Emilia Adonis
SRES Group 5
EED 121
The role that Edeline
Mutize acts out her role in the social aspect of sport helps others. She’s a
great example on how we should live, by helping others through her talent. By
doing the Comrades Marathon, Edeline raises awareness and support for vulnerable
children and orphans in our country. She raises funds for these kids by doing
these races, other people would think she is crazy but to her it is about
making life a little bit better for these children and abused women. The initiative
“Newkidz on the block”, where Edeline is a volunteer and fundraising activist
is an organisation that is just as passionate about helping and supporting orphans
in the local communities by doing stuff such as extreme makeovers of the
children and old age homes as Edeline is about her running for a change.
Edeline’s motto “making a difference for the kids, no matter how small- it will
play a significant role”, should play a role in every person that’s doing sport. She plays a vital role in our society by being the person she is.
she will definitely inspire those who look up to her. And she does play a role in people in those whom are doing a sport- especially those who do the comrades.