Thursday 15 August 2013




Edeline had play a huge in her mission possible campaign by raising funs for Newkindz on the block ruuning the comrades marathon twice. Edeline also inspired many young South Africans to stay positive and and fit. She bring light to many children in South Africa i think my regarded as hero for what she has done
 I think Edeline Mutize has done a remarkable thing by running the Comrade Marathon twice. She has done this to raise funds and to create awareness for an organisation close to her heart, NewKidz on the Block. She has opened peoples eyes to realize what is happening in our country. When sports players are doing these types of events to raise funds for different organisations, they arn't only helping them by raising funds. They are providing the people with hope and strength to carry on knowing that there is help for them. It shows them that someone is willing to do something extreme inorder to help them.Therefore this is great and easy way for our sports players of our country to make a difference and help South Africa.

Thursday 8 August 2013

There are so many orphans, shelters and abused women and children who need our help in South Africa and Edeline Mutize is setting a great example for the people of South Africa to follow. As South Africans we need to come together to raise awareness for the women and children in need in our country. Edeline is doing a great gesture to show how passionate she is about this issue and is doing everything in her power to put this issue to an end. By doing this she is giving many children and women hope that there are better days to come and that they will be able to live a stable and happy life.  If everyone just made a small gesture such as a small donation towards new kids on the block, they would have more than enough to finish their makeovers on the homes and shelters.  It only takes a little from us and I think we should all follow Edeline’s example to try and make a difference and help those who are not as fortunate as ourselves.
Edeline Mutizes effort and attempt to raise funds can only be applauded as her actions embody the fighting human spirit. Running the comrades once is challenging enough, but to do it back to back is borderline suicidal. The risk involved is inordinate, seven deaths circa 2007 is testament to this. Her dedication speaks volumes as her endeavours shows her willingness to sacrifice her wellbeing to make an impact for the greater good. Sports and sporting actions have the ability to change and provide the platform to inspire people to rise above their circumstances and not settle for less. A prime example of this happened on our very own doorstep. The Rugby World Cup in 1995 remains one of the world’s most iconic reconciliatory moments in the history, let alone South Africa. South Africa’s own, Nelson Mandela, speaking at the Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony remarked on the role sport could play in society. Speaking from a South African background his words bear significant weight: Sport can create hope, where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination (2000). We as the younger generation need to provide a sporting podium for other Edeline Mutizes to help those who cannot help themselves.

Sporting Inspiration

I think that what Edeline Mutize is doing is extremely admirable and selfless. I believe that these attempts in raising awareness about kids who have been abandoned or orphaned by their parents is a big step in bringing people together to support one another and the children who are to be the future of South Africa. I believe that because it Edeline is doing this through sport it makes more people sit up and take notice and hopefully take action. I think that Edeline found a way to reach out to the less fortunate by doing something she loved, which is highly encouraging and shows that it is not impossible for other people to do the same. As South Africans we need to step up and realise what is happening in our country and take action against it. We need to get children off the streets away from violence, drugs and alcohol and all the negativity which comes with it. Reaching out to them through sport is fantastic because it gets them away from their everyday problems and allows them to get physical in a constructive positive way and frees their mind from the negativity surrounding them. Sports creates role models for the children who never really had and it allows them to dream. Well done to Edeline on her efforts for the Newkidz on the Block organisation, it is step in the right direction to creating a more positive for South Africa for our children to grow up in.

Ediline Mutzie an inspiration:

Kerwn Little (3113653)
EED 121

Ediline Mutzie an inspiration:

Ediline Mutzie plans on running the Comrades Marathon twice in two days. This idea came about when she decided to formulate a campaign entitled “mission impossible”, to raise funds for the Newkidz on the Block organisation. This organisation helps and supports orphans and abused woman. Ediline Mutzie is a true South African hero. Not only is she an inspiration to many, but she is a real life example of putting others before herself. I believe her attempt to campaign for such a worthy cause will open up many eyes to exactly what troubles people have to face on a day to day basis. It will also create ventures that will enable more and more of the community and the world to help out even if it is only just with a little. I believe that this act of courage and determination shown by Ediline has not only made the public aware of the large amount of need around them but has also taught them that even if they can only contribute a little, they might just be helping to save a life. This small passage has motivated me to get involved more in the community and help out where need be.
Ilonthe Andrews


SRES Group 5

EED 121

Edeline Mutize plays a vital role in helping the campaign “Mission Possible” where she volunteers to raise funds for Newkidz on the Block by running the comrades. This is a perfect way in which sports can play within the South African context as reaching out a hand to the one’s in need, shows that you care.  The comrades marathon brings awareness to the children in South Africa. It helps them stay active, be involved in outdoor activities and keeps them off the streets. The role that sports can play in South Africa is not only to win a race or game but in the process of the win, the reward should be donated to a campaign or organisation in need of help. In other words the way Edeline is doing: When one does something, you should always do it to show your support and not just to be at the top of the ladder. You do not have to be extremely good in the sport, but showing your support to an organisation means much more than you being on television winning medals for yourself.